Young And The Restless Scoop July 1: Alan Kisses Traci Goodnight – Jill Votes No To Splitting Chancellor-Winters – Summer Asks Kyle If He’s Out Of His Mind

Young And The Restless: Alan kisses Traci

Young And The Restless: Alan kisses Traci

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Monday, July 1 reveals Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland) and Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) will share a tender moment.

Also coming up, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will have some explaining to do to Summer Newman (Allison Lanier). Plus, Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) will arrive in Paris. And Jill Abbott (Jess Walton) will be annoyed with Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson).

Y&R spoilers tease Summer will walk into the Abbott estate and tell Claire she was hoping to take Harrison Locke (Redding Munsell) out for ice cream. Claire will say he’s upstairs taking a nap after his first day at summer camp.

They’ll get into it again over Harrison, until Kyle arrives. Summer will go upstairs and he’ll ask Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) what he just walked in on. “I don’t think Summer is ever going to be comfortable with me being in Harrison’s life,” she’ll reply.

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Summer will come downstairs and say Harrison looked a little sunburnt. “Did you put sunscreen on him?” Claire will say yes and head to the kitchen. “What’s going on between you and Audra?” Summer will ask Kyle. But he’ll say it’s not what she thinks. “The truth is I left Jabot. I was fired by my mom.”

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Then he’ll tell her Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) is running Glissade and she wants him to work with her. “Are you out of your mind?” Summer will ask. She’ll remind him she works for Marchetti. But he’ll say he’s not going after them, he’s going after Jabot.

“Doing this is a declaration of war against your own family,” Summer will say. “It sounds like a recipe for disaster.” Then she’ll question his thinking and suggest they revisit their custody agreement.

In Paris, Abby will walk into her mom’s apartment and ask her aunt why everyone shut her out. Traci will say Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) wanted to protect her. Then she’ll apologize and say she should have known better. She was the youngest and her siblings used to shut her out too.

There’ll be a knock on the door and it’ll be Alan, with a gift for Traci. It’s a scarf that she’d been admiring in a boutique. Traci will invite him in and he’ll say hello to Abby. She’ll thank Alan for everything he’s done for her mother. A text will come in about a board vote that Abby has to attend. So, Alan will say he was going to invite Traci for a drink.

At Chancellor-Winters, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) will tell Billy Jill’s having second thoughts. So, Billy will ask if she is too. She’ll say she isn’t, but she’s not so sure about Jill.  However, Billy will say he’s confident Jill won’t backstab him.

Devon Winters (Bryton James) will walk in and Billy will tell him his mother is sick. Devon will ask if it’s been going on for a while. “I hope this makes you understand why I want to add Abbott to the company letterhead,” Billy will say.

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“The timing is interesting, you decide to drop this bomb right before we’re deciding to divide the company,” Devon will reply. “Why at the last moment? Trying to get a sympathy vote out of me?” But Billy won’t have a chance to answer because Jill will appear onscreen.

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Lily will tell Jill she looks good. And Devon will ask how she’s doing. “You told them, didn’t you Billy?” Jill will ask her son. “Damn it Billy!” Then Abby will call in and the vote will begin. Devon, Abby, Billy and Lily will vote yes.

However, Jill will say she thinks what they’re about to do is a huge, horrible mistake. She knows Devon and Billy don’t get along but she hates having to tear it all apart.  So, Jill will vote no. “And Billy, you got what you want, I only hope it’s worth it to you, in the end,” she’ll add and sign off.

Finally, Alan and Traci will arrive at the jazz bar, which he’ll refer to as their place. “Being with you is very reassuring, your kindness, your compassion, it’s very rare,” he’ll say. Traci will be flattered but she wants to know more about him. He’ll ask how much. “Everything,” she’ll reply.

So, Alan will say he and Martin used to pretend to be each other and see who could tell the difference. “Martin was the more personable one, he could get along with anyone.” Alan will add the truth is, he doesn’t really talk much to anyone, unlike Traci. “You really can read people’s hearts.”

Alan will admit he downloaded one of her books and the main character reminded him of her. “Beautiful, inside and out,” he’ll add. They’ll return to Ashley’s apartment and Traci will say that was the best evening she’s had in a long time. Alan will kiss her goodnight and after he leaves, Traci will put her hand on her heart and smile.

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